Hey gurus,

I'm thinking about a unit test that verifies the events raised from
setting properties of viewmodels.  I thought the test could load each
assembly in my solution, set each property that has a setter (in turn)
and check how many times the NotifyPropertyChanged event (for
Silverlight UI bindings) and fail the test if it raises more than

The reason I'd like to test this is because we're using a tool called
Notify Property Weaver, which injects the necessary code into the
assembly and wires up the RaisePropertyChanged events. Sometimes
however, it's forgotten and developers add in one anyway. This results
in multiple events being raised. Normally you'd think that not much of
an issue but it has resulted in Ids being generated twice and some
other weird funkiness™ going on.

Just thought I'd throw that out there to see what people think.
Wasting my time testing properties? Maybe a fancy iterative bit of
Reflection magic someone has tucked away, waiting to share with me?


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