We have the same issue, it is because the .Net worker process is being
recycled, then the first call to the report needs to spin up the process
and the Reporting Services libraries into memory.

To make the user experience better, I created a small executable that calls
a report via HTTP and set the exe to be run twice a day using Task
Scheduler. That way the users never have to wait for the spin up time.
(Actually the same exe also calls a number of other web applications too to
wake them up each morning before the users all get in to work).

Of cource, there may be a better way.....

On 25 June 2012 09:22, Stuart Kinnear <stu...@skproactive.com> wrote:

> One of the most irritating things about SQL  reports is that it falls
> asleep every now and again. The user experience is not pleasant and
> resultant calls to technical support or worse still loss of end-user
> customers.
> I have tried altering rsreportserver.config setting the ProcessTimeout to
> a figure of 30000 but that did not seem to do anything. Is there limit on
> this number or even better and infinite value ?
> Once up and running SQL reports works OK, not sparkling - I swear the old
> FoxPro reports & even dare I say it Access ran rings round it, but this
> falling asleep on the job is giving me the real gyp.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Stuart Kinnear
> Mobile: 040 704 5686.   Office: 03 9589 6502
> SK Pro-Active! Pty Ltd
> acn. 81 072 778 262
> PO Box 6117 Cromer, Vic 3193. Australia
> Business software developers.
> SQL Server, Visual Basic, C# , Asp.Net, Microsoft Office.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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