Initially i thought you mean the trailing whitespace at the *end* of the file, and thought that was seriously OCD (which is a feature in my books!)

however re-reading I now know what you mean and YES it bothers me all the time... in fact, can you please send me your macro?

Is the main annoyance that when you press the 'End' key the cursor doesnt go the end of the text, rather than the end of the line? If yes, is there a shortcut key that goes to the last character on the line? (in VS, not vi please) :)


On 29/06/2012 5:55 PM, Jano Petras wrote:
Well, I do have one usage of macros - to strip off trailing whitespace from all lines in a code file. I have mapped it to Ctrl-W and using it all the time.

Is there a built-in command that can do this now? If not, I will be affected, and will need to do something about it.

Are any of you guys using something similar to perform this? Or hanging whitespace at the end of lines does not bother you ?


On 28 June 2012 08:56, Arjang Assadi <arjang.ass...@gmail.com <mailto:arjang.ass...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    FYI Evryone who uses macros, they are gone from VS 11 since less
    than 1% of people were using them:
    But as one of the posts pointed out they were being used by super
    users that most likely would turn off the usage data gathering

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