My favourite framework :

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Arjang Assadi <>wrote:

> Hello everyone
> What is the general consensus on frameworks? Do you find them to be a
> forklift to lift your parts into place or restraining box that make you do
> things their way?
> For example would you use Orchard or start with the default website
> project template ( although you know about dotnet nuke and other wonderful
> CMS'es etc.)?
> anyone using .Net Spring or CSLA ?
> At the bottom of the list Prizm or Caliburn for UI or hand crafting XAML
> is preferred? Anyone can name some other frameworks they like to use, maybe
> for computer simulation or anything not part of the vanilla biz app
> hierarchy?
> Do you find knowing more about nuts and bolts of C#/ relevant (at
> brick level) or learning to work with (City Block levels) of your beloved
> framework?
> Regards
> Arjang

Heinrich Breedt

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”
- William B. Sprague

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