>Basically, your screwed.


Technically, it looks like your evaluation is accurate.


I was going to try InstallShield Limited, but when it started the 60MB down
I cancelled it. I'm sick of their quirky  proprietary stuff anyway. Do they
still have their own weird scripting language?


I tried using VS2012 devenv.exe to build the vdproj file from the command
line, but it can't be tricked.


I spent 20 minutes reading the WiX documentation and it looks like that's
the way out of this dead-end. I will have to convert the vdproj files to WiX
XML and replace my Custom Action code with theirs (luckily a lot of it looks
like standard extensions to WiX). Sadly I know it will take dozens of
man-hours of spare time to get fluent in WiX. Downloading now...


The lack of vdproj support really took me by surprise. I just never saw
anyone mention this matter anywhere (not that I was looking). I'd be angry
about this normally, but I think I'm becoming desensitised, it's hard to not
be disappointed these days



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