It’s not a restriction since the server is at my house and then eventually 
there will be one elsewhere for backup/failover when I can afford it.  I’ll 
explain in a bit, but you might find what I have to say regarding this 

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tristan Reeves
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 8:29 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: open Source XMPP server in .net, good idea?

Maybe you could expand on your reservations wrt java? Unless you are planning 
to modify the source, it's hard to see any reason not to use it (ignite 
realtime) as is. At least, hard for me to see.

Also I'd guess the average Windows Server (I assume yours are Windows Servers) 
has plenty of non .net stuff running on it. Why would running an xmpp server be 
any different?

As for porting a large active java OSS project to should I put's not a one-person job :) Don't forget the maintenance:)

The ports I can think of (the ones that come to mind are only<> and<>) are needed 
because lucene and spring are not stand-alone programs. They're needed so we 
can use the respective APIs from our c# code. Unless I'm missing something, a 
package like ignite does not have such an API. It is intended to run as an 
program, not as a 'library'.

In summary, I'd say that there's no compelling case to consider doing a port 
from java to c#. If you really have a restriction that you can't run java on 
your servers, then that seems really, really weird, at least to me. I'd be 
interested to know if anyone else has, or has come across, such a restriction.


On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Katherine Moss 
<<>> wrote:
Hello all,
The subject line is what we are lacking at the moment, and I am curious whether 
in a few years when I learn a bit more about C#, it would be possible to port 
the Openfire XMPP server from Ignite realtime over to .NET?  It is currently 
written in Java, and I sort of have a security and a political problem with 
that, and that is one of the reasons why I am setting this as a longterm goal.  
But since the server depends on a couple of Java frameworks such as Apache 
Mina, and maybe another one, will that be an issue moving the Mina-dependent 
elements into WCF?  Do you guys even think this a good idea?  Let me know; I 
want to make sure that any project I plan to begin in the open source world 
will benefit the community.


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