Thanks for the responses - we thought the same, and double checked all
that. Will look at it again. Will post here if we work it out.


On 14 February 2013 12:40, Stephen Price <> wrote:

> It looks to me like IIS isn't installed.
> Check under control panel, programs, add windows features/components.
> Visual studio may be using IIS express or Cassini
>  On Feb 14, 2013 10:01 AM, "Grant Maw" <> wrote:
>> All
>> Has anyone seen this behaviour before? We have no Application Pools
>> folder or Sites folder in this IIS8 instance of IIS.
>> We know IIS is running because we can run websites that are auto-created
>> by Visual Studio when loading up a project.
>> Removed/reinstalled all the components etc, to no avail.
>> I am posting here so that in 30 seconds I will work it out myself, but
>> failing that, any thoughts on what's going on would be appreciated :)
>> Thanks
>> Grant

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