Folks, while stuffing around today I noticed that VS2012 has an option to create a TFS account, so I made https://*mybusiness*.visualstudio.comaccount, then I created a new Team Project for my current hobby project.
My only questions are now ... what have I done and what can I do with it? For comparison, a few months ago I created a Bitbucket account and I've been using the TortoiseHG Workbench client app to move stuff in and out. It's working quite well and I like having my projects in the cloud, just like my backups and email (ignoring security issues for now!). So I suppose I've created an account that is in direct competition with Bitbucket, is that right? If I have, what's the advantage? I get the impression that Visual Studio's version control can work directly with my new account, is that right? It would be nice to have the version control integrated into the VS IDE if that's what I can get. Then I worry that I have the wrong version of Visual Studio or there are dependencies on other TFS stuff I have to install. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if someone is using "projects in the cloud" and can give me a potted summary of what advantage I can gain quickly and what I might need to install. Cheers, Greg K