I'm having a huge problem trying to get unity to work, I've spent a whole
day fighting it and can't get anywhere. I've used Spring.Net for a long
time and have no problems.

This is my class.

public class TransactionService : ITransactionService



public ITransactionData TransactionData { get; set; }

And this is my Setup.

using (var u = new UnityContainer())


u.RegisterType<IConnection, Connection>()


.ConfigureInjectionFor<Connection>(new InjectionProperty("ConnectionString",

u.RegisterType<ITransactionService, TransactionService>()

u.RegisterType<ITransactionData, MockTransactionData>("mock");


// This bit I don't know how to do. how do I set the "Mock" TransactionData
on the  TransactionService.

// I Can't find any examples that work with Unity 2.0..

.ConfigureInjectionFor<TransactionService>(new InjectionProperty(
"TransactionData", ?????? );



The US Congress voted Pizza sauce a vegetable. Don't even try to convince
me of anything in the states is sane any more!

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