On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

> Folks, I'm loading hundreds of thousands of logging lines into a SQL
> Server table and I noticed that one of the columns contains only short
> words taken from a handful of choices. So the column reads like FOO FOO FOO
> FOO BAR FOO FOO FOO FOO BAR BANG FOO FOO FOO etc. The column will rarely be
> used.
> Would SQL boffins in here consider turning this column into something more
> space saving, like a single byte flag for example? Perhaps to save space or
> improve performance.

A packed/encoded format will use less space - but whether it is worth doing
depends on your app and the rest of the table (i.e. if it is 5000 bytes per
row then saving a few dozen in one field isn't going to make much

If the column is rarely used then you will rarely see a performance

Unless you're writing a very high throughput system, I would value
readability / maintainability over absolute performance or storage space.


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