Native modules must be "installed" first.
There's three ways you can do this (since you want this available, potentially, 
for all apps, we'll do it at the server level)

a)      Edit applicationHost.config (as mentioned before, look in the 
<globalModules> section)

b)      Use IIS Manager (use the Modules icon at the server level)

c)      Use appcmd: appcmd install module /name:<yourNameHere> 

Managed modules need to be installed into the GAC first (appcmd doesn't do 
this), or sit in the /bin or /app_code folder. I don't know any other way to 
make them available (someone else might be able to chime in here)

After you've done this, enable the module for actual use within the application 
(or globally) - modules are disabled by default (that's a security feature)
In IIS Manager, just hit the "Enable" link once you've opened the Modules 
In appcmd: appcmd add module /name:<yourNameHere>
Or, you can obviously just directly edit the relevant .config file to do this

Does that help?


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013 4:28 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Managed IIS Module installation

Chaps, the GAC doesn't work. The help on appcmd.exe says:

Configures a new module, which can be either a new managed module or an
installed native module, with the specified settings.  Managed modules can be
enabled by simply adding them for the desired application and providing a
managed module type.  Native modules must first be installed on the server
before they become available.

What does this actually mean? Something's a bit wonky as they're talking about 
a "desired application" and that's not what I want ... I want a global logging 
module for my main site, or all sites I'm serving. I think I might be running 
up the wrong path.


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