Did you open more than one instance of VS?


Visual Studio suffers from the lost tuple problem - that is, Open VS, Open a
Solution, Open a second VS, Open a second Solution, Close second VS, close
first VS. Then reopen VS. I'm betting you won't see any reference to the
second solution. That's because first VS overwrote the data for second VS
when it exited. (Well, this used to be the case, not sure now though.)



From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com]
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Wednesday, 21 August 2013 3:51 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Visual Studio 2012 diseased


Folks, sometime in the last two weeks my VS2012 has become diseased with the
following symptoms: (1) It sometimes forgets which files were open when I
reopen a solution (2) Intellisense suddenly stops.


I just can't find a pattern to any of this so far. I deleted suo files,
looked for access denied errors, even reset VS2012, but nothing changes. All
I can do is restart VS2012 and manually reopen all the files I was working
on. It's driving me barking mad. Has anyone encountered this?


Greg K

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