mike smith
But you are in the current FTTH rollout area, from what you say.  Budde sounds 
like he's spreading some FUD to make some quick connections...


His - Paul Budde’s - expression may be clumsy (he’s Dutch) but I don’t think 
it’s at all ambiguous, nor is it FUD, and he’s not involved with “making quick 

Simply: Yes, I am in the current rollout, in fact on the footpath at my front 
gate is a refurbished Telstra pit with fibre running through it. 

I take Paul Budde’s response to mean that the Coalition would not (have the 
audacity to require NBNCo) charge me a connection fee, even if I delayed my NBN 
connection request to an RSP until 01/2014. 



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

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