I finally found a link at
says that WiX 3.8 with VS2013 integration will be available by
Halloween (luckily Australians know what Halloween means thanks to *The
Simpsons*). However I can't find any other evidence that this might
actually happen, getting clear announcements on WiX isn't easy. They seem a
bit apologetic due to delays caused by end of year holidays and
Thanksgiving, but since when did holidays stop a programmer? (I do my best
coding on holidays!)

As suggested, I had a quick for other IDEs over WiX, but they seem
commercial or lagging behind. In any case I don't want yet another IDE.

They claim V3.8 will have improved
which a search reveals to be the VS2013 integration (I think, even that's
vague). In VS2012 the integration of the project template, properties and
build were very nice, however the only way to edit the wizard generated WiX
source files was as plain xml. I wonder if there will be some kind of
designer over the raw source, which is what WiX desperately needs. I know
that creating a full designer experience over the complex WiX source files
would be a huge job, but it's not beyond their developer community I would

Greg K

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