Wow I'm still digesting the Vista one :-)

On 16 January 2014 14:21, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> Folks, just FYI - I had two books just arrive by courier: Windows
> Internals Part-1 <> and 
> Windows
> Internals Part-2 <>
> I had no idea until I looked just now, but both books are available as
> PDFs from 
> Here<,d.dGI>(25MB)
>  and
> Here<,d.dGI>
>  (22MB).
> I've been flipping through the books and all I can think of is what Homer
> Simpson said when he opened his operator manual looking for a way of
> averting a meltdown: "Who could have thought a nuclear reactor would be so
> complicated".
> There's so much detailed information in these books that I reckon you
> could *write* Windows from them. The tables of contents of the books give
> you an idea of how technical and geeky they are. The text is dense with
> lots of nice diagrams but it's all very neatly organised and from my 15
> minutes of flipping through it looks very readable. The *Security*chapter is 
> one of the fattest, so that'll be interesting reading. I highly
> recommend these books for anyone who likes getting down close to the wire.
> Greg K

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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