Agreed..i did find Windows Mobile a lot more flexible and  fun to program.


Anthony Salerno | Consultant | SmallBiz Australia
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From: []
On Behalf Of Nathan Chere
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 3:22 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Today was very quiet on ozdotnet ...


That perfectly demonstrates how far backwards Windows Phone is compared to
Windows Mobile and the pain-in-the-ass mentality of Win8/WP8-era MS. You
still can't really export the messages. It's a black-box backup to Skydrive
and a restore from Skydrive, ie your messages are still locked in. Is it
really asking that much to be able to just export MY messages to something
like CSV or XML and let me email it, upload to Dropbox, copy to my desktop
etc? It's almost like DRM-by-stealth over your own content.


Even as early as Windows Mobile 2003 you could sync your SMS messages with
Outlook locally and do whatever you want with them from there. Windows
Mobile 2003 did it better than Windows Phone 8! ARHRHHHRGHRRHIRGRGRHOGRGR


From: []
On Behalf Of Ken Schaefer
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 2:40 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Today was very quiet on ozdotnet ...


For text messages, you can:


The one main gripe I have is that you used to be able to start typing
someone's name on the onscreen keyboard in WM6, and it would search both by
number and contact name. That (still) doesn't work.


I think a lot of basic functionality is there now - maybe more so with the
Lumias than the other brands, as Nokia seemed to have invested fairly
heavily. I like having a mapping app that can tell me if I'm speeding -
iPhone doesn't have that inbuilt J That said, whilst Microsoft's been
backfilling the missing basic functionality, Android and IOS haven't been
standing still.





From: []
On Behalf Of Nathan Chere
Sent: Friday, 7 February 2014 2:02 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Today was very quiet on ozdotnet ...


Are you able to do something as simple as  backup/export your SMS messages
with Windows Phone yet (something MS were promising since the Mango
announcement by which point I had bought a Galaxy and haven't had any reason
to look back)? Is it worth a grumpy cat like myself giving the Lumia-era
phones a try or am I just going to be left even more jaded and cynical?


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