For application crashes/exceptions, just let Watson do its job:
 You can get very useful crash dumps that Visual Studio lets you debug into and 
inspect variables, objects, etc similar to normal debugging.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andrew McGrath
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:19 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: re: debugging object

Not exactly sure what you are looking for in terms of a nuget package but I do 
the following:

In the exception handler I call my own Debug.ReportException method to which I 
would pass the properties of the "interesting" object as List<string>, then I 
include the stack trace by calling this code:

 public List<string> StackTraceToString()
            List<string> sb = new List<string>();
            var frames = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(true).GetFrames();
            for (int i = 1; i < frames.Length; i++) /* Ignore current 
StackTraceToString method...*/
                var currFrame = frames[i];
                var method = currFrame.GetMethod();
                    method.ReflectedType != null ? method.ReflectedType.Name : 
                    method.Name + " Line: " + currFrame.GetFileLineNumber()));
            return sb;

and finally everything via an email to myself - the email being generated via 
SQL Server via script I found on the web.

You probably want to add a utility routine to generically grab all the object 
properties as List<string> and then could pick which object to interrogate as 
part of your exception handler.

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:32 AM
Subject: debugging object

Anyone aware or use any tools to debug code at object level. Want to be
able to out an object and its property values so i can get more info when an
exception occurs in my winforms app? Maybe a nugget package?

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