In the world according to Github Javascript is now the number 1 popular 
programming language used in their repositories. Might be due to all the 
Javascript frameworks out there:).

It is also interesting to see the climb of Java from 7th to 2nd over the last 7 






Adrian Halid 


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Monday, 24 August 2015 6:26 PM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: Re: Last words on AngularJS


Paul, most of what you said actually supports my anguish over the "lottery" of 
kits, tools, packages and "standards" (ha!) and fads in the JavaScript 


Over the last week or more since I expressed my dismay, I've been reading more 
and more about the zoo of frameworks that decorate JavaScript and attempt to 
hoist it up into the world of "real languages". It's getting so stupid that the 
AngularJS seems to have decided to completely rewrite it for v2 using 
TypeScript, and someone got upset and split off to make Aurelia because it was 
more "pure", but apparently they're friends again now, I think. It's worse than 
a zoo, it's like a steaming compost bin.


I got all excited about TypeScript last weekend and I spent an afternoon 
reading about it and fiddling to see if it has promise. So I create a new HTML 
project and I get one small source file that shows the time. The sample code is 
raw JS from the 90s and I have to go looking for a way to integrate jQuery 
and/or AngularJS into the project. So dozens of opinionated pages later I 
discover I just about have to reinvent the steam engine to try an integrate 
them, and there are literally dozens of experts all claiming they know they 
best way to do it, with all sorts of cryptic pseudo-functional coding tricks. I 
simply want to know how to structure a large TS project, but there is no 
reliable guidance anywhere, it's just a dogs breakfast.


This is what happens when a script becomes accidentally promoted to become the 
new fangled language to drive LOB apps in the web without proper planning by 
industry experts and academics. There are no conventions for code or project 
structure, references, dependencies, building, testing ... anything! ... it's 
just a bottomless kludge of more tools made in JavaScript to try and make 
itself look and behave sensibly.


I am now overwhelmed by despair at what damage JavaScript has done to software 
development in the 21st century. I know there are lots of younger developers 
out there who shrug and think "what's so bad, it's working", but I think 
they're just used to suffering and take it for granted.




List of JavaScript Libraries 


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