As far as I am concerned you can toss WPF in the bin.  Our customer has
terminal server, supporting one of apps which is in WPF using remote
desktop can cause a blue screen of death - we can no longer support the
custoerm remotely when the app is running. The app will be rewritten back
to winforms.

All that fancy graphics stuff is all right for those who like the gimics,
but for business to business use give me something that will work all day
every day and doesn't require huge amounts of graphics and pc resource. The
way the web world is going, it might be hard for WPF to compete anyway.

- Stuart

On 25 September 2015 at 15:12, Corneliu I. Tusnea <>

> Nope. They are dead. (As far as I'm concerned) unless you really really
> really really need to go down that crazy path.
> If you really really want a desktop app I'd look into
> to run a cross-platform "desktop" app build with
> web technologies on top of Chrome.
> Atom editor is build like that. Visual Studio Code is build in a similar
> fashion but not on top of electron but pretty much identical process.
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Tom Rutter <> wrote:
>> Anyone here still using winforms? Any reason to start new projects in
>> winforms over WPF? How far has WPF come in the last several years?

Stuart Kinnear
Mobile: 040 704 5686.   Office: 03 9589 6502

SK Pro-Active! Pty Ltd
acn. 81 072 778 262
PO Box 6082 Cromer, Vic 3193. Australia

Business software developers.
SQL Server, Visual Basic, C# , Asp.Net, Microsoft Office.

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