Hi Folks, a Friday topic, but, I've just installed Office 365 and in the
Account page it says you can install it on up to 5 machines running PC,
Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Android Tablet, Windows Phone and Windows
Tablet. How on earth did the Microsoft developers get the apps to run on
all those platforms?! It's inconceivable that there could be much of a
common code base, so it must be a mind-boggling technical and logistical
challenge to support all those platforms. Anyone have inside info on this?

Note that the Office 365 installer doesn't let you chose components, so I
have Outlook, OneNote and Publisher despite that fact that I will never
ever open them.

Also note that Visio is not included. I was forced to uninstall my Visio
2013 32-bit version before installing Office 365, and now I would be forced
to pay $21/month to add it to the suite (which is twice the cost of the
suite). I'll have to install Visio 2013 in a VM.


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