Hi Greg, just wrote this blog post yesterday - might be of use: 
 if you go the Win Service route.

Jason Roberts
Journeyman Software Developer

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From: Greg Keogh
Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎11‎ ‎November‎ ‎2015 ‎12‎:‎16‎ ‎PM
To: ozDotNet

Howdy again, I'm thinking aloud about a problem here in case there is lateral 
thinking available.

We have a mature app that uses a single-file database that is locked. Now new 
apps want to use this file as well, but how can they share it? The usual fix 
would be to (1) Migrate it into something like SQL Server (2) Wrap the file in 
code in a different process and expose it as a service.

Option 1 has too many dependencies that aren't available. Option 2 is easy to 
code, but you have to manage the lifetime of the process and perhaps make it a 
Windows Service, which makes a bigger install and runtime footprint.

At the moment I'm wondering if the "service" could be a hidden console or 
WinForms app that is registered in HKLM Run, or similar. That way it's a "fake 
lightweight service".

Greg K

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