On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 at 06:57 Scott Barnes <scott.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:

[ ... ]

> We've written two apps so far with it and you not only get "native"
> compilations (it actually generates it via IL2CPP) but you also get less
> restrictions xamarin imposes on UI (ie no forking the visuals per platform
> of any kind)

[ ... ]

This is interesting. I've wondered why people don't use unity for normal
mobile app dev. Couple of Qs:
1. What's the licensing like?
2. What sort of primatives do you get for building traditional apps? What
would you do to say build a Material Design looking app?


David Connors
da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

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