On 27 July 2016 at 08:21, Grant Molloy <graken...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> I did these calcs before seeing the calculator, and it pretty much
> confirmed my calcs for storage.
> As a complete Azure newb, I'm assuming I have the following options..
> 1. Virtual machine where I'd install company licensed versions of SQL, run
> IIS, and maybe some disk storage for files and SQL backups, etc
> Or
> 2. Web app service, SQL, storage for files etc.
> Is this correct?
I think so (boffins please clarify if I'm wrong).

You can provision a whole server in a VM, but you can do that anywhere
(GoDaddy, Amazon, Rackspace, etc) and you have to manage most of it
yourself just as if the box was sitting under your desk.

Otherwise, if you deploy web apps, SQL instances, tables, blobs, files, etc
directly they just live "up there" somewhere and you have the advantage of
being able to go to the management portal and adjust performance,
duplication, scaling, load balancing, CDNs in different geographical
regions, etc. I've never needed to do any of this myself in anger, but you
can see it's all possible.

I have a growing bias against physical boxes for servers and find the idea
of having things deployed in "The Matrix" quite attractive (that's the
Neuromancer Matrix, not the one in the movie). I still have a server box
under my desk, but as I said in my previous post, the cost of moving my
SQL Instance and several more web services and sites to Azure is
prohibitive for a one-man business. So I'm stuck with a box here humming
and needing nursing and maintenance.


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