

From: []
On Behalf Of Stephen Price
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2016 6:31 PM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: Re: Azure, Classic ASP and the road less traveled


I've done that before.
Only real gotcha I had was that I had to add primary keys to each table as
Azure won't play otherwise.
The connection string from memory was in the code. I'll see if I can find
the connection string as there are so many different possible strings that
it justifies a website for connection strings. 



On 17 Nov. 2016 2:24 pm, Victor Samson <
<> > wrote:

Afternoon folks, 


I am in the process of migrating a Classic ASP + MS-SQL Database from a web
host to Azure.


The reason is financial. This setup is costing my client an arm every month
to keep running.


So far I have:

*       Migrated all website files into an Azure Web App
*       Migrated database schema + data to Azure SQL Database v12

So far, so good.


The final piece of the puzzle is updating the connection string to point to
the new database, and this is where I'm stuck.


I have tried the supplied ADO.NET <http://ADO.NET>  connection string that
the Azure Portal so kindly supplies, but it is my understanding that Classic
ASP does not support the ADO.NET <http://ADO.NET>  driver. 


Perhaps someone has been down this road before?


I have read of people running their Classic ASP in a VM with "SQL Server
Native Client" installed can get around this, however, VM is not an option
in my case.


Any thoughts?



Victor Samson





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