At a guess I’d say it is routing and perhaps virtual directories.


Things to try:

*         Write a delegating handler that just returns a hardcoded response – 
see if it works. If yes, you know it is getting through and its probably 

*         Change your routing entries :) 

*         Add some logging to a global action filter – log lots of shit to see 
what it is trying to get through.


Really just guessing though as I haven’t seen this behaviour.


-          Glav


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 17 January 2017 1:31 PM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: WebApi all 404


Folks, I just installed a WebApi app on a GoDaddy server and every request 
produces 404. The same app on nearly identical servers all work okay. I've been 
searching and fiddling for over 2 hours now with no progress at all. Every 
sensible suggestion I've found in web searches is useless ... pool settings, 
IIS verbs, framework versions, regiis, etc. A static htm file in the app root 
is visible, so it's something about the app, not the dns, permissions, site, 
binding, etc.


Has anyone experienced this and can remember what the trick is?


What sh*ts me is that I'm sure this happened to me early last year, and it took 
me hours to get it working, but I can't remember what I did. This time I'll 
make a blog post.


Greg K

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