ANZAC.Net perhaps? [😉]

Hehe, all good. We'd  be un-Australian if we turned you away.

All welcome, I say.

Agreed, the Category tags work well and let you tag something with multiple 
Categories, so something could be C# and Xamarin or whatever applies.

From: <> on behalf 
of Preet Sangha <>
Sent: Tuesday, 4 April 2017 10:28:49 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Ozdotnet list

As a non Oz developer (I'm in Auckland) I suppose I don't have much say. So 
I'll just add that my chief bug bear with of web boards is the utter shite most 
seem to have in terms of conversation threading, searching, and also the 
formatting of code. As long as these are good then I'd be happy to continue 
contributing (if will you still have me).

To me tags opposed to multiple boards are way way better. If a convo can be 
xamarin and VB and iOS then I'd hate to see it only in say the iOS board as 
opposed to the xamarin and VB boards - I hope that makes sense.

Preet, in Auckland NZ

On 4 April 2017 at 13:52, Greg Keogh 
<<>> wrote:
If Discourse tags conversations like other typical modern forums, then we can 
have lots of easily identifiable sub-topics like .NET, C#, F#, Xamarin, 
Android, WPF, VB Sucks, OT, etc.

There are a hell of a lot of forums for IT, far too many I think, so we'll have 
lots of competition and will need to make it attractive.


On 4 April 2017 at 11:08, Stephen Price 
<<>> wrote:

Some great feedback all.

Given our current lists all have a .Net theme, along with the long standing 
history of Aus-dotnet (now Ozdotnet), I like the idea of sticking with the 
current Ozdotnet. And as suggested make it clear that any topic is fine, 
developers tend to be in all spaces these days.

Discourse has a really nice way of tagging a message with a category. so you 
can't really post into the "wrong" topic. Anyone with suitable permissions 
(regular forum users become more trusted and so the workload doesn't fall on a 
single Admin) can tag a message with a category which essentially moves it into 
the right topic.

My daughter has agreed to do some logo designs so I'll post any potential 
designs to the group. We can RedBubble up some Ozdotnet merchandise which can 
help cover the costs of hosting, and maybe even go towards promotion to other 
Aussie devs onboard.

This is exciting!

<<>> on behalf 
of David Richards 
Sent: Tuesday, 4 April 2017 8:55:27 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Ozdotnet list

I have no problem with the move.  I've been on this list since sometime around 
2003/4.  It's probably a bit ironic that a tech focused list is a bit behind in 
the tech department.

Suggestions from me:
1. Open it up a bit rather than be focused on .net but make sure its made clear 
what category you're discussing and can filter as per your desire.  I'm still a 
.net developer but these days do more in java and android.  Xamarin has brought 
.net to other platforms so this expands the possible discussions. (OT anyone?)
2. Make sure there are alternative ways to contact admins.  I only mention this 
because for a long time I was a member of an android google group and suddenly 
found I could no longer post to the group.  I couldn't even contact anyone to 
help resolve the issue, it all seemed to be blocked.  Ended up giving up on the 
3. Aus focussed could be a good thing. It can be annoying seeing something 
interesting mentioned on a forum that is in another country and in any 
practical sense, inaccessible.  There are plenty of developer forums out there 
so an Aus forum gives us an important differentiation.


"If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes
 will fall like a house of cards... checkmate!"
 -Zapp Brannigan, Futurama

On 4 April 2017 at 10:24, William Luu 
<<>> wrote:
I don't contribute here much either, but still read it whenever there's some 
interesting discussion.

I welcome the move. However, I think most people would jump straight to their 
favourite search engines/StackOverflow when they have an issue. So I think 
that's part of why this last has become so inactive.
From what I'm recall, this list (in its' original form as 'aus-dotnet' and 
hosted by Dr Pete) had been around since .NET 1.0 (and probably earlier), so 
I'd be sad to see it disappear altogether. I think I've been a member since 
around 2002/3?

From a nostalgia standpoint, I'd like to see the same name continue but make it 
clear that we welcome all.


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