From: [] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 24 October 2017 4:50 PM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: Re: Marshalling strings

This article:

Hints that the interop marshaller takes ownership of the returned string and 
will delete the buffer. If this is true, then it's pretty smart and invalidates 
our concerns about a possible leak. I'm reading more and running some 
experiments -- GK

On 24 October 2017 at 16:28, Tony McGee 
<<>> wrote:
My understanding would be that either the caller allocated a large enough 
buffer and passes it to the library in which case the callee does a copy and 
doesn't need to worry about it
-or- the callee keeps the pointer they've given out and expects the caller to 
pass it back to another function to do the free/dealloc.

I believe there's standard functions for allocating things like BSTR's from the 
COM days (SysAllocString/SysFreeString) where the callee allocates and the 
caller is responsible for deallocation but passing out raw wchar_t pointers 
without agreeing on a deallocation method isnt great.

On 24 Oct 2017 15:14, "Greg Keogh" 
<<>> wrote:
Folks, my REST web service makes calls to C++ functions in a native DLL. The 
functions return wchar_t* which I marshal into a managed string.

The author of the C++ code doesn't know when to free the buffer he's allocated 
for the string (neither do I). The very last statement in his function is 
return char_ptr, so the function ends and the buffer becomes a leak. I consume 
the pointer after his function ends, so when can he delete it?

Is there some trick I'm forgetting? Or are we doing it the wrong way?

Greg K

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