Failing that, standing up a Git repo on an IaaS VM in one of the Australia
regions is easy too.

On Thu, 22 Mar 2018 at 09:05 David Gardiner <> wrote:

> VSTS allow you to choose 'Australia' as a hosting region. According to
>, source
> code would be kept in Australia, though some other types of data could be
> stored elsewhere.
> David
> On 21 March 2018 at 22:37, Greg Harris <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a client that is concerned about Australian domicile data.
>> They are happy to use cloud based services, so long as the data is
>> Australian domicile.
>> We are currently using MS Azure with Australian domicile data / services.
>> We want to use a cloud based source control system.
>> But my expectation is the data (code) is all held in US data centres.
>> *Question: Does anyone know of a trusted cloud based source control
>> system where the code is Australian domicile?*
>> I was thinking of Bit Bucket ( being Atlassian, I
>> was thinking that they may use Australian based storage??? But I think that
>> all of their storage is Amazon S3 (
>> And I could see no documentation that says Aust based storage.
>> We could self host, but that is just more work I don't want to do...
>> Many Thanks
>> Greg Harris
>> Greg Harris
>> phone: 0407 942 982
> --
David Connors | @davidconnors | | LinkedIn | +61
417 189 363

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