I am actually considering doing this. I can only reproduce it in production
environment though so will have to see what we can do.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 4:24 PM David Gardiner <da...@gardiner.net.au>

> If you don't mind if things break a little, change your triggers to do a
> RAISERROR and then wait to see what falls over.
> Probably best done in a non-production environment :-)
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 15:21, Craig vN <crai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have an unusual problem, there is a field in my DB (SQL Azure) that is
>> being changed but I can't work out where it is being changed from. I have
>> created some DB triggers so I can log changes and see exactly when it
>> changes but can't find the source.
>> Is there anything I can set up in code at a DB level so when the field
>> changes I can log and hopefully get a call stack?
>> The data access is primarily through NHibernate and I have set up events
>> in there to trap that changes but it doesn't get shown, so it is either
>> ourside of NH or somewhere else, which is why I want to monitor at DB level.
>> Craig

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