I've upgraded a project with some minor changes (method calls no longer needed, 
AddDefaultUI() for example) and all works locally.
Deployed to Azure and entirely broken. Turns out all of Azure web apps seem to 
be running core 2.2. There is an Azure status dashboard which shows all of the 
current versions on the various regions. Link to that tweeted by Damian Edwards 
recently. (Don't have it handy on my phone right now).
Apparently it's being rolled out in the next week. Seems odd that core 3.0 is 
released but Azure isn't ready, but you get that.

I didn't see preview extensions on my web app, they looked like SDK 3.0 
Extentions so no idea why site isn't running. It doesn't even start so can't 
debug it. Will try again after Azure shows 3.0

The actual upgrade was trivial, so that's good.


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com <ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com> on behalf 
of ste...@malikoff.com <ste...@malikoff.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2019 8:08:04 AM
To: ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: Core 3.0 and C# 8

I have Core 3.0 in VS2019CE Preview, but not available in VS2019CE (out of the 
box - I have
not touched any project files etc) as per the comments on


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Core 3.0 and C# 8
From:    "Greg Keogh" <gfke...@gmail.com>
Date:    Fri, September 27, 2019 2:18 pm
To:      "ozDotNet" <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>

> Folks,
> I'm keen to experiment with C# 8 features and get familiar early, but I
> can't get any project to use it. In Visual Studio 2019 16.2.3 I've tried to
> create Standard, Core and Framework projects of all the latest versions,
> then set the Build Advanced Language Version to 8 or preview, but it's
> never available.
> I thought Core 3.0 projects could use C# 8, but the highest choice I have
> is 2.2. So I installed 3.0 manually and dotnet --list shows me the
> following (truncated) as installed, but I never see 3.0 list in target
> frameworks.
>>dotnet --list-runtimes
> Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
> Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
> Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.0.0 [C:\Program
> Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
>>dotnet --list-sdks
> 3.0.100 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
> So I have two issues: (1) I can't pick Core 3.0 Framework (2) How on earth
> do I coax C# 8 into action?
> Any advice would be most welcome. Perhaps there are really strict
> conditions or dependencies I'm not aware of.
> Cheers,
> *Greg*
> P.S. Public holiday in Melbourne for some sort of ball game. A horse race I
> can understand, but this?

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