Folks, I asked about this weeks ago, but after hours of spare time reading
and futzing I am utterly unable to get any System.Diagnostics.Trace write
output to appear in the Azure logs anywhere. I've configured the portal App
Service logs values according to many instructions, I'm sure my apps are
writing to Trace. Same problem in an ASP.NET forms app and a Web API app.

There must be some misunderstanding on my part or a vital piece is missing.
Is it some Web.config value? Some portal setting? Maybe .NET Framework
4.6/4.8 apps can't log that way at all? Most web articles use .NET Core as
examples and use ILogger, but that's not relevant for my case?

Last year I did a debugging session with a colleague while looking at the
Log stream in the portal, so it used to work. Maybe it's usage conventions
have changed?

*Greg K*

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