Hi Greg,

I feel that Microsoft had such a good solution with Silverlight and we are
just starting to get back to where we were 14 years ago now.
My typical solution these days is to offer a mass market solution as a
simple ASP.net web app, but that is just simple tables CRUD stuff.
Anything where I need to be clever (use the UI), is the desktop app that
connects with the API or database directly.
This means that my users have two UI's to deal with (what a pain).

After the way we were burnt by MS over Silverlight, I am being very slow
about going down the Blazor path now.
Like you, I burnt so much time, money and effort on Silverlight, not going
to try that again until I see strong community support.
(I thought I saw strong community support for Silverlight, so don't
trust my views on this).

On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 6:39 PM Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am having problems with my
>> https://MyAccountName.visualstudio.com/_git/MySolutionName repository on
>> VisualStudio.com, with Visual Studio, I can not add a second project to the
>> solution and get source control to work????!
> Maybe that's the "old" uri. My personal repo is at
> https://dev.azure.com/orthogonal/ and I recall some confusion last year
> about  which uri to use. I have an MSDN subscription, which might weaken
> comparisons. Which reminds me ... the damn subscription expires at the end
> of June and I have a $1500 two year renewal dangling over my head. I know
> it's a tax deduction, eventually, but I could buy 20g of pure gold for
> that, or fund a pretty good cocktail party.
> It's not Friday but ... Greg H, you and I were big fans of Silverlight
> back in the old days, and there's still nothing to replace it in a web
> browser app. Blazor is mercifully freeing us from the heavyweight complex
> pipeline of ASP.NET server-side hosted apps, and good riddance to them. I
> will never write a server-side web app again, from now on it's Blazor
> Webassembly apps for me. I still have to create WebAPI RESTful services
> to drive the Blazor apps, but at least they're mostly boilerplate. The
> alternative data driver is Azure Function Apps, which I prefer to use
> whenever possible.
> Blazor is a great step forward, but all rendering is still done via the
> horrifyingly dumb and confusing constraints of HTML and CSS. Last weekend I
> spent the whole afternoon trying to make a HTML "splitter" work and gave up
> in tears, for now. How easy was that in the Silverlight rendering engine?!
> I'm also depressed that the arrival of MAUI doesn't address the web
> browser (does it?)
> *Greg K*

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