.NET Uninstall Tool

The .NET Uninstall Tool (dotnet-core-uninstall) lets you remove .NET SDKs
and Runtimes from a system. A collection of options is available to specify
which versions you want to uninstall.

The tool supports Windows and macOS. Linux is currently not supported.

On Windows, the tool can only uninstall SDKs and Runtimes that were
installed using one of the following installers:

The .NET SDK and runtime installer.
The Visual Studio installer in versions earlier than Visual Studio 2019
version 16.3.
On macOS, the tool can only uninstall SDKs and runtimes located in the
/usr/local/share/dotnet folder.

Because of these limitations, the tool may not be able to uninstall all of
the .NET SDKs and runtimes on your machine. You can use the dotnet --info
command to find all of the .NET SDKs and runtimes installed, including
those SDKs and runtimes that this tool can't remove. The
dotnet-core-uninstall list command displays which SDKs can be uninstalled
with the tool. Versions 1.2 and later can uninstall SDKs and runtimes with
version 5.0 or earlier, and previous versions of the tool can uninstall 3.1
and earlier.

On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 at 10:33, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think looking through the code for *dotnet --info *might give you all
>> the locations, and perhaps together will give you enough to rustle up a
>> script that removes them effectively.
> Lateral thinking! Good idea. I completely forgot that the source for a lot
> of this stuff is available (although reading foreign source can be
> exhausting) -- *Greg*

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