Both of these options can do this on a per solution, project, document basis.


If you want to this via command-line, look at dotnet format. These all work 
better if you’ve got a good .editorconfig that calls the 
 You can have IntelliCode automatically generate one based on the project via 
Add -> New Item -> Editor Config (IntelliCode).
From: Greg Keogh via ozdotnet<>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 11:03 AM
To: ozDotNet <>
Cc: Greg Keogh <>
Subject: VS2022 format all files

Folks, is there a way to apply commands like Format Document and Remove and 
Sort Usings to multiple C# files, perhaps all open files or all files in the 

Web searches suggest it's not possible at the moment. I see an Extension for 
this which looks a bit flakey and I won't try it yet.

Taking this even further, I occasionally need to "beautify" C# code in hundreds 
of files in projects to fix things like indentation, tabs, usings and more 
fiddly things like removing excess blank lines, putting gaps between methods, 
etc. That is, I want to bring code that is sometimes haphazardly formatted back 
to a vanilla format acceptable to typical developers.

Greg Keogh

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