Here me out .. I have this new idea .. we take a declarative language like
xml and mix it inline with an ecma style language .. to build ui

Nobody’s done this before … righ …

Greg +1 on your points sadly the industry often ignores the past to make
the new all over again with less

If I knew what I now know today I would have worked 100x harder on wpf and
Silverlight vision

Today I work mostly with c++ and its full circle for me

Scott Barnes

On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 at 11:10 AM, Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Hello everyone, it's not Friday, but I have an announcement and tale that
> might interest you.
> I’m easing into retirement.
> Companies I’ve been working for are being sold, retired or are no longer
> developing new software. Running out of legacy work would drive a regular
> dev to seek new work, but in my case, I declined to create a LinkedIn page,
> or send out feelers through contacts for new work, because… I’m burnt out.
> Why?
> I learned to code in 1975 and became an official programmer in 1981. I
> wrote FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, assemblers and various JCLs and scripting
> languages on Honeywell, FACOM and IBM mainframes. Things were simpler back
> then of course because you moved inside the ecosystem of a particular
> manufacturer and had high-level support and voluminous and accurate
> documentation. If you wanted to solve a problem or do something edgy, then
> an answer was nearby. It was a different simpler world, but … everything
> worked.
> Now, well into the 21st century of IT, everything doesn’t work. My wife
> often hears me shout from the other end of the house “Everything f***ing
> doesn’t work”. I also only semi-jokingly say I’ll have these words carved
> into my gravestone: “Everything f***ing doesn’t work all the f***ing time”.
> Overall, what has burnt me out is *complexity *and *instability*. I’ll
> break those topics down a bit.
> Everything in modern IT is *complicated *and *fragile*. Every new
> toolkit, platform, pattern, library, package, upgrade, etc is unlikely to
> install and work first time. I seem to spend more time getting things
> working and updated than I do actually writing software. In a typical
> working month I might have to juggle Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, macOS,
> Google, Amazon, Azure, .NET, Python, PowerShell and C++, and they all have
> different styles and cultures. Software engineering has fractured into so
> many overlapping pieces that I’m tired of trying to maintain competence in
> them all.
> That leads naturally to the problem of *dependencies*. Just having so
> many moving parts with so many different versions available produces
> dependencies more complex than abstract algebra. How many times have you
> hit some kind of compile or runtime version conflict and spent hours trying
> to dig your way out of it? (A special salute to Mr Newtonsoft there!) Or
> you install A, but it needs B, which needs C, and so on.
> I often hit incomprehensible blocker *problems *for which web searches
> produce absurd and conflicting suggestions which don’t work anyway. All I
> can do is futz around and change things randomly until things work again. I
> don’t know what went wrong and I don’t know what went right.
> *The Web* -- Browsers, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, the HTTP protocol, JSON and
> REST can all burn for eternity in fusing hellfire. About ten years ago I
> told my customers I refused to write any more web UI apps. However, I was
> forced to do so a few times and I’m still scarred by the horror. It’s just
> over 30 years since the web became public and we’re still attempting to
> render serious business apps using dumb HTML. HTML5 is the joke of the
> century (so far). I still lament the loss of Silverlight.
> *Git *-- Someone is lucky I don’t own a gun.
> *Fads *-- An exercise for the reader: name all the platforms, kits,
> patterns and frameworks that you know were once the coolest thing and now
> might only be found in history articles. An advanced exercise is to
> speculate on which currently cool things will be gone soon.
> Finally, here is a list of typical things that give me the shits, just as
> they pop out of my head.
>    - Attempting to compile projects that have been idle for a year or
>    more will usually fail due to changed dependencies or deprecations and it
>    can take hours to get them going again.
>    - I develop and test something with great care, then deploy it and it
>    crashes. This is part of the general “it works on my machine” disease.
>    - I can stop successful work on Friday night, then resume on Monday
>    morning and everything utterly fails.
>    - My USB microscope and music recording both stopped working recently,
>    and it took me a week to discover that it was a block by Windows 11 app
>    security (I thought it was a hardware or incompatibility problem due to
>    lack of clear error messages).
>    - Security! Walls, barriers and hurdles of security everywhere to
>    crash through. Yes, I know we need security everywhere to stop the black
>    hats, but it’s also stopping developers. Lord knows how many times I’ve hit
>    run or debug on my own PC and I get “Access denied” and hours of research
>    will be required. I’m also fed-up with ceaseless 2FA requests via email or
>    SMS.
>    - Everything about mobile devices. The ludicrous variety of devices
>    and brands makes app development a nightmare. Then you must struggle
>    through the variety of labyrinthine publishing processes.
>    - My final entry is simply the tiny “thousand cuts” that torture you
>    during development: version mismatches, inconsistent behaviour, strange
>    errors, editor quirks, missing files, etc. All the little personal problems
>    that slip between the cracks of bigger issues I’ve previously mentioned.
>    Your mileage may vary.
> In summary, being a software engineer is now so exhausting that after 40+
> years of a generally enjoyable career immersed in programming and computer
> science I’ve reached a point I never thought would arrive… I’m burnt out.
> Even working on my hobby projects has become a burden because they suffer
> from many of the impediments previously mentioned.
> I still plan to attend some upcoming conventions and Meetups, and I’ll be
> watching the forum, but my posts will diminish because I’m probably out
> trying to prevent the garden and house from disintegrating back into the
> earth from whence they came.
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
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