What a weird and defensive letter.  Is she saying that somehow the midwifery
model of care causes increases in Workers Compensation or that increases in
worker's compensation have to be paid for and rather than limit the medical
involvement in normal birth and thus save heaps of money we will take away a
service to women which is absolutely unrelated to the financial problem.

Kathleen Fahy

-----Original Message-----
From: Felicity Croker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 1:36
Subject: Response: Hunter Midwives

This is the response I received from Prof Katherine McGrath.
Must be a standard response sent to all us who wrote letters?
What do the Hunter Midwives think about the "facts"?

        Katherine McGrath PRIVATE   
Date:   Thu, Aug 12, 1999 12:20 PM
Subject:        Re: Newcastle Midwives Team
 Dear e-mailer
A few facts before casting serious aspertions on my  and the Area's

Firstly, this was NOT my or the Area team's decision, it was recommended by
the Division of O&G and has the full support of the DON of that service who
personally supported it to me.

Secondly, it is not a decision that anyone wanted to make.  It was forced
by the problem with the growing cost of workers compensation.  The unit was
asked to identify alternatives and was unable to do so.  I am sure that
they would be delighted if your unit could identify $180,000 to pay for
their WC insurance.

Thirdly, only 10% on deliveries at JHH use this servie.  The majority of
mothers prefer other alternatives and have happy experiences with happy
healthy babies.  Midwives are and will remain a crucial part of the O&G
service and many births will be delivered by midwives.

Fourthly, the majority of midwives choose NOT to work as part of the team
midwife service because of the disruption to the personal time.

Fifthly, where is your evidence that the other approaches to pregnancy and
delivery result in worse outcomes.

Sixthly, what are you doing as a senior and inflkuential staff member to
prevent workplace injury and so avoid the cost of WC insurance   AND the
destruction of our staff's health.   !!!!!!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the  world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has"       
 Margaret Mead

  _--_|\,--     From Townsville     ** Felicity Croker       
 /        \      in sunny             ** Psychology &  Sociology &    
 \_.--._/    North Queensland  ** Centre for Women's Studies
        v                       ** James Cook University   
                               ** TOWNSVILLE, QUEENSLAND 4811
                                    PH: (07) 4781 4909
                                    INTERNATIONAL: 61747814909
                                            FAX: 61 7 4781 5117

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