Dear Pete, the way to make anything happen is to participate in all levels
of governance.  Did you respond to the call for a review of teh
Constitution?  We had but one response in Tassie!  I doubt if many midwives
have even read it, becuase the only way to get "consumers" (whatever they
are in relation to midwifery) on to the executive is to amend the
constitution which says that all members must be mdiwives.  I caution you
to think about what it might mean to have women on the Exec.  Questions
might include:
Who?  What criteria do they meet in giving them the ability to perform all
the functions required of the Executive?  
In what proportions?  Would it be possible to have an executive comprised
of no midwives?  Given the work of the Executive, would even half
non-midiwves mean a substantial increase in the nitty-gritty midwifery work
of the executive for those that are midwives?
Given the purposes of the College are also about increasing the
professional standing of midwifery, including opportunities for midwives,
(as well as the stated aims of improving maternity services to women) why
would non-midwives commit over long terms to paying fees, etc?
Finally, Do we want another 'consumer' organisation, which such a move has
the potential to  create, when we don't form strategic alliances with the
ones already well established?  Woudl not the non-midiwfe members then be
those we could already access through consumer forums, other groups, etc?
Those with the passion and commitment and ability and time to commit as
they already do?  Or do we want mere tokenism, that is when we need the
political muscle we mobilise our 'consumer' members, but when we don't we
revert to our professional members as arbiters of the College work?

Now, in asking these question, I by no means intend to repudiate the idea
of non-midiwves as members of the college or of the exec.  In fact, I am in
favour of opening the doors somewhat.  But after some really radical ideas,
I have had time to consider the ramifications, and advise informed
deliberation, consultation with members through focus groups, consutlation
with other childbirth activist groups, and with the College lawyers.  Such
a major change to our constitution should really go to referendum as one of
maybe only two or three items to be decided upon.

But, in saying all that, PLEASE come and speak your mind at the AGM.  But
don't become silent after that.  The really big decisions are made in the
ordinary everyday world.  Go to state meetings, get active, and have your
say through your state newsletter, the journal and amongst yourselves as
well.  Because the awareness you raise today is the seed of tomorrows

Cheers, to all you revolutionaries, Trish

At 12:18 PM 8/17/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello to all ozmidders,  I would like to propose getting consumers onto ACMI 
>exec, I am interested in all views on this matter and if enough support ways 
>of making it happen, especially in view of AGM coming up in Hobart in 
>September.  Look forward to reading your comments.
>Regards Pete Malavisi, Midwife.
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