Hi All,
On page 2 of today's Sydney Morning Herald is an article by Julie Rowbotham
about the decision by Guild Insurance from Sydney to withdraw indemnity
cover from independent midwives. Apparently the midwives were given 28 days
notice of the intent to withdraw the cover, and Emma Baldock from the ACT is
quoted as informing her 12 pregnant clients to make alternative

I must have missed much of the discussion around this issue, but what are
the midwives who choose to have insurance cover going to do now??

Is this insurance company the only one offering such cover (at affordable
Insurance cover is a requirement for midwifery accreditation to the ACMI -
how will this issue be addressed??
Are the midwives employed through the government funded programs (WA and SA)
still able to work if they can't find indemnity cover?

The article was titled "Home births in peril as midwives lose insurance
cover". It keeps sending out that same message about fear, danger and
litigation around birth.

What do homebirth midwives intend to do??

Sue Cookson
Homebirth Australia

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