So true!
Money and Power are the root of all evil!   
I have been watching this quietly as I have been so busy.
Quietly supporting you all.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:00 AM
Subject: Midwifery Insurance

Dear all
This issue is not about place of birth. If it was, then on the evidence PI insurance should be lowest for those midwives attending women with uncomplicated pregnancy's & births at home.
This issue is not about safety, or evidence - based practice. If it was, the majority of both obstetricians and midwives would be salaried through the public sector and midwifery led care would be the gold standard and the norm for quality maternity provision in this country.
This issue is not about responsible governance, or equity and access to
"health for all Australian families." If it was, successive governments would have
implemented a no fault liability scheme years ago.
This issue, like so many others that involve the health & well being of women & children is about MONEY and POWER.
At its basest level, it is about the continuing exploitation and colonisation of these bodies as financially lucrative market places. "Closing the gap" is a clear
demonstration of further aggressive attempts to "sew up" many women's
nonexistent "choice" in childbirth in this country. The metaphors and language are overwhelmingly explicit and self - explanatory.
This issue is about basic human rights:
it is about every woman's right in Australia to access and equity in choosing a midwife as her primary caregiver during pregnancy, birth, and after her baby is born.
The insurance issue is providing a unique opportunity to send loud, clear messages into the community and the government with regard to:
*  introducing a national no fault liability scheme;
*  maternity funding reform that enables equity and access for all women to
   midwifery led care in the home, the hospital, and the community;
*  legislative review and amendment to facilitate appropriate regulation of the
   midwifery profession in this country;
*  a need for expansion of culturally appropriate  birthing services and recognition of
   indigenous midwives;
*  the cessation of scandlous exploitation and inefficient allocation of taxpayers
   resources, that contribute to propping up systems perpetuating unnecessary and
   harmful interventions on mothers and baby's.
This is a long, hard, wearying journey (a bit like many labours), but the integrity of what we are putting our energies into will sustain us.
Never has there been a better time to drive the message home.
Keep on going all you wonderful women, families, and midwives.
There is ALWAYS a solution.
Here is the Democrats News Release
Roz Donnellan - Fernandez
Self Employed Community Midwife

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