
We had a lovely night last night in Warrnambool.  Vicki spoke to a crowd of
about 35, mainly midwives and a few mothers.  Being new(ish) to the area, I
was overwhelmed by the support for the evening.  Turns out that Vicki's
cousin, whom she stayed with in Cobden, I went to school with.  Small world.
I cried my way through the videos, and during her talk couldn't stop those
"AHA" moments - that's exactly what I thought - but couldn't find the way to
say it.  Being newish , I hadn't mentioned to many people that I'd birthed
my third baby at home.  At playgroup, etc, I can't remember the last time I
heard some-one going into labour spontaneously - every one's going in to be
induced next Tuesday.  Why?  Cos they're tired of being pregnant/the Dr
said, etc, etc.  A friend of mine booked in for an elective caesar told a
friend "You don't get a choice after you've had one caesarian"  I'm now
inspired to speak up more, knowing that their are other like-minded women in
my area.

Please go and hear Vicki speak if you are able to

Barb Glare, IBLC, NMAA counsellor (soon ABA counsellor)
Mum of Zac, 8, Daniel, 6 and Cassie 3

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