Hi all,

I received this letter pasted below today from Mr. Jonathan Holmes, Executive 
Producer, The 7.30 Report in reply to my letter below Re: Midwives lose their 
professional indemnity insurance.

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"
Harriette Hartigan.
30 July 2001 

Dear Ms. Pettigrew,

Thank you for your e-mail dated July 10, 2001.

I have noted your comments regarding midwifery.   I do hope you saw our 
segment on this issue on July 19, 2001. I have passed your e-mail on to the 
reporter for his information.

We do appreciate people taking the time to write and I hope you continue to 
find the program informative.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Holmes
Executive Producer
The 7.30 Report

Attention: Mr. Jonathan Holmes
Executive Producer 
7.30 report

Dear Mr. Holmes,

I write to you today with a heartfelt plea for your assistance in bringing to 
the attention of the Australian public, the current crisis facing midwifery 
in this country. 

Due to a decision by Guild Insurance, the collective insurer for Midwives in 
Private Practice (MIPP) here in Australia not to renew professional indemnity 
insurance for MIPP, MIPP are currently having to close their practices. In 
Canberra, one of the midwives effected by this decision, her policy has now 
run out and she has been forced to tell 12 of her pregnant clients that they 
must make alternative arrangements and cease practice. Another's policy runs 
out in September and another 80 or so midwives across Australia will face the 
same difficult decision as their policies run out during the year.

This decision to withdraw  insurance from MIPP is a huge lack of recognition 
and respect for midwifery as an autonomous profession, which has far reaching 
implications for ALL women and midwives - not just the MIPP and the homebirth 

The homebirth movement here in Australia is still considered a radical, 
questioning and an independent movement outside of medical control and its 
always been a thorn in the obstetric side and subject to a great deal of 
attention, scrutiny and anticompetitive behaviour. Historically we know that 
many of the improvements in maternity care have been born from the homebirth 
movement. So to dismiss this issue or to shrug it off as something that only 
affects homebirth midwives and their clients is a HUGE mistake. 

Homebirth needs to exist for the benefit of ALL, not just the few that choose 
it, because out of this movement we have another model by which to compare 
the obstetric model, and measures by which to demand greater accountability 
from medical men and their machines and evidence for continued improvements 
for mainstream maternity care. Once you recognise this it becomes apparent 
that the withdrawal of professional indemnity insurance from MIPP is just the 
tip of the iceberg and actually represents the largest assault on the 
autonomy of midwifery this country has seen and THIS THEN AFFECTS ALL 

THIS IS A NATIONAL ISSUE. It means that women will no longer be able to 
choose to engage a midwife privately to provide care for their pregnancy 
and births unless they choose a practitioner who is uninsured (which is not 
in anyone's interest, midwife or consumer). Moreover, the decision by 
insurers denying/refusing to insure MIPP, is to effectively, slam the door 
shut on midwifery as an autonomous profession in this country, relegating 
midwifery to be forever controlled by the medical fraternity. This has ripple 
effects into EVERY other facet of midwifery practice. It will eventually 
effect EVERY MIDWIFE in her capacity to work as a midwife 'with woman' as it 
effectively undermines EVERY midwife's status and claim to autonomous 
practice as the health care professional that she is, irrespective of where 
she provides midwifery care. Further more, while the majority of midwives may 
work in hospitals and have their liability underwritten by state governments, 
many midwives also choose to have PI outside of this as well - independent of 
their employers interests! 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in a statement on care in normal birth 
(WHO Geneva 1999) states that "the midwife appears to be the most appropriate 
and cost effective type of health care provider to be assigned to the care of 
normal pregnancy and normal birth, including risk assessment and the 
recognition of complications."
This country has seen a plethora of government reports, State Ministerial 
reviews and Senant enquires into maternity services, which have all confirmed 
this statement by the WHO and which all called for further expansions of the 
midwifery profession's involvement in the provision of maternity care as lead 
care providers for the majority of pregnant and birthing women. The decision 
by Guild to withdraw professional indemnity insurance from MIPP effectively 
wipes out further development of midwifery models of care which further 
restricts women in their choice of birth place and caregiver. So to argue 
that this is an issue that just effects 80 midwives and the 1% of women who 
choose to birth at home in this country is just ridiculous and will surely 
then see the demise of midwifery as we know it in this country. 

Adjunct to this issue, powerful people and their institutions keep getting 
away with slandering midwives and their profession without calls to put up or 
shut up. Just recently in a report on this issue in the Sydney Morning 
Herald, (Sat July 7 2001) Mr David Brown, General Manager of Guild Insurance 
publicly stated that midwifery is "a highly litigious area", offering no 
evidence of proof for such statements. Mr. Brown should be made account for 
his words or suffer the consequences of defaming of the midwifery profession. 
AMA president Karen Phelps hits the Federal Health Minister Michael Woolridge 
with a threat of legal action after he questions her qualifications to 
practice medicine and its front page news in every newspaper and TV channel 
in this country, right down to their menu and dessert choices at their even 
more publicly viewed reconciliatory luncheon !!!! Mr Brown publicly defames 
the whole of the Australian midwifery profession and no one gives it a second 
thought !!

This issue needs to be brought to the forefront of public awareness and be 
dealt with once and for all. We require your assistance and those of your 
team at the 7.30 report to do this. We need someone to listen and to cotton 
on to the great conspiracy that is denying Australian women and their 
families the right to choose for themselves how, where and with whom they 
birth their children.

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life
               - So we can trust birth"
Harriette Hartigan.

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