-----Original Message-----
From: Rod Arthur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2001 2:12 PM
To: 'Rhonda'
Subject: RE: Just thoughts.

Rhonda, what a beautiful, poignant piece of writing.  May I have your permission to put it in our newsletter (Hunter Homebirth Support)?  It would be a good thing to inadvertantly leave in obstetricians offices - it effectively argues the point for natural birth through the perspective of both sides.  Good on you!
PS  I hope you are feeling better about everything that has gone on in the last couple of months.  My heart goes out to you.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rhonda
Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2001 12:59 AM
Subject: Just thoughts.

In the shower tonight this came to me and I thought I would share it with you.

Hope you are all well.


I do not understand!

I am the obstetrician – I come to save you from the burden and the pain of birth. I come to free you of the risks of nature. Why do you turn away from me?

I have the knowledge of seeing a generation of children born before my eyes. I have the knowledge of my predecessors and those who birthed children before them. I have the tools and the medicine to give you your baby without the pain and without the risks of nature. I have the technology - pethadine and stirrups, epidurals and cesarean sections. I have spinals and gas, episiotemy’s and sutures. I can control you and I can deliver your baby to you. Why do you not respect my wisdom? I do not understand you?

I am a woman – I was born with a single precious gift within my body. I was born a woman to deliver to the world a new generation. I have learned from my mother and from those who have birthed before me. I have a natural ability to birth my child. I have the strength and the faith to conquer the pain and deliver my baby in a gentle and sacred way.

I am a woman who has felt the sting of your needle and the pain of your caesarean section. I have watched you take my baby from me and I have struggled for weeks and months for her return. I have felt the confusion, the sadness and the coldness of your technology. I turn away from the anguish and heartache of your cold medical birth and I look deeply and longingly at the strength of women and the beauty of nature.

I am an obstetrician who has seen the dangers and casualties of birth and I reject your views. I don’t see that my medicine can cause you harm – I am here to help. I have been taught to help and I must do something to you. You must need me to deliver your baby.

I am a woman who has seen the beautiful birth of babies with none of your tools and none of your help. I have also seen the increase in Post Natal Depression and the anger left in the hearts and souls of women. I have seen the babies dumped on doorsteps and marriages that have broken, the pain and confusion of mothers that leads to dysfunctional relationships and tormented children. The price of your help is so high – can you not see what you have done? I have seen the anger and the rage about your help I have heard the cries for it to stop. Why can you not support and assist nature without having to use your tools? Why can you not respect and accept the beauty, strength and wisdom that women have? I do not understand you?


Rhonda Polley

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