Is ALL this 'routine' labelling really a necessity
> ??

Dear Tina,

You made some great points here and I think that you are so right I don't
think that prints or tattoos are really needed for identification - with my
children - how could they swap Katelyn???  She was a tiny 2 lb thing with
colapsed lungs - maybe replace her with the 10lb baby born in the next
room???  *grin*  We had no doubts about her at all.
Withg George as he roomed in there were about 2 hours in total out of the 5
days that he was out of my site.  I just wouldn't let them take him.

However, as far as prints go -  I had a single footprint and handprint of
katelyn's given to me for Christmas (she was by then 3lb and 6 weeks old).
We wished we had been able to get them earlier.
As amazed as Geoff was at the size of her (being so tiny at birth - 2lb 2oz)
when George was born he was equally amazed at his size.(being so big in
comparison - 8lb 10oz)  He came to the hospital the day after George was
born and had brought Katelyn's tiny prints - one of the nurses helped us do
George's hand and foot to compare the size - his 2 day old prints were over
double the size of Katelyn's at 6 weeks.
I was a little pre occupied with all that had happened but I think that the
prints gave Geoff something to take home and he really needed that after all
he had been through.  They were more like a (for want of a better word)
"trophy" for him in a way and as another bonus Katelyn took them to school
for show and tell - "Mum had a baby and here are his foot and hand prints!"
It gave her something to actually hold and be proud of.  I am so pleased to
have them.  I think all parents should be given that option - like the "pixi
photos"  Are photo's not another way to identify??  I don't think they
should be done for any other reason though.

Hey on the to be sure note....why not just DNA test and log everyone at
birth???  Just in case we get lost or forget who we are!!  And hey - that
would be the solution to crime wouldn't it?  *grin*


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