So DO I!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: outcome of abnormal LFT's.

Well done Lyn to give information and support women with their infoprmed chioces is what it is all about. Personaly I dy my hair jan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: outcome of abnormal LFT's.

Thanks to all for the responses re this woman. I passed on all the information which was passed on to me and also all the stuff that came from recommended websites etc.
I remained very apprehensive about this lady, because despite my best efforts to convey the serious possible outcomes of her symptoms she chose to take no further action.
I still don't know what was going on in her system because the steattoreah subsided, her urine cleared, and she refused any further blood tests to recheck lft's or to do a hep screen.
She finally gave birth to a baby girl, liveborn, on 26th Nov at 0920, at home without any complication. She carried this baby to 41 weeks.
I now have many more gray hairs, less syntometrine and vit K. I was at least able to persuade her to take the side of caution in the course of her 3rd stage and giving of vitamin K.
I will still be trying to get her to have follow up LFT's now that her child is born.
The lesson for me in this has been to learn more about cholestasis, but also that you can give information in the best intention, but ultimately the decisions lie with someone else. Trying to still give support can be challenging, especially in this environment of uncertainty re insurance etc.
Thanks again to all for your support.

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