Title: Re: twins
Hi Marion, Have a read of the latest AIMS journal about the twin breech birth I was involved with. Manju was amazing! Leigh
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: twins

Hi Jan
Your comments in regard to twins is a dilema I am faced with in a very personal way. My very precious niece had just joined our local team midwifery program and her excitement was great. Much to her delight she now finds she is having twins, unfortunately I practice in a low risk unit that excludes her from midwifery care.  I am so loath to advise her to attend the mainstream clinic for fear of the fear that seems to be generated from various medical officers. I purchased a video from the multiple birth association at the acmi conference in brisbane, imagine my horror that the first birth is a c/section and the so called "normal' birth is a ventouse delivery in a private hospital with midwifery care being alluded to in a very minor way.  Can you suggest any reading material or videos related to twins, to support this beautiful young couple in deciding what the best options are for them.  I am really trying to give them a realistic picture of what is possible with each option.  I have floated the home birth idea but would also like to think the "system' could meet their needs if they chose that option.
Does anyone else have an ideas?  Thanks Marian

Hi Marian
There is a great up-to-date book (probably available through libraries if your niece does not want to purchase) called MOTHERING MULTIPLES - Breastfeeding & Caring for Twins (or more!!!) by Karen Kerkhoff Gromada - La Leche Leage International Revised Edition. This is a good book to help your niece focus on her future life with twins.

Provide your niece and her husband with as much information as they can digest.
Current evidence will help empower them when negotiating their birth plans with any health professionals involved in their care.

Make sure your niece understands the necessity for additional rest towards the third trimester and that she makes arrangements to get it! Can other family members or friends pitch in and take over some of the household chores for her after she gets to thirty weeks? She increases her chances of getting the babies to term if she can achieve a rest period every day.

Establish the whereabouts of the local multiples group and give your niece the contact details.

Drag out your midwifery textbooks usually and all the 'twins' articles you can find in Midwifery Today, MIDIRS current journals, etc. All the twin birth stories  (thoses with great outcomes along with the not so great outcomes) should be discussed and understood.

Help the couple write their birth plans and make a copy to present to the consulting obstetrician.
If your niece does not want to use drugs during labour and wants to stay upright she should put it in writing and discuss this with the attending obstetrician during pregnancy.
Having a written birth plan will help negotiate the type of labour and birth care she desires. She will also be better equiped to decline offers of unecessary intervention as well as accept and understand the reasons for any necessary ones.

The couple will do better if they have a midwifery advocate during visits to any attending medical officers. Perhaps that person could be you and you could follow them through and be their support person during labour as well.

If this does not sit well with you there must be some local midwife who you would trust to provide advocacy for them in a similar fashion. Continuity of care (apart from any others involved) will do wonders for the birth outcome. I am looking forward to hear of your niece's progress.


 Jan Robinson                                      Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
 Independent Midwife Practitioner                       e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 8 Robin Crescent                                       www:   midwiferyeducation.com.au
 South Hurstville  NSW  2221                    National Coordinator, ASIM

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