Dear Toni and list.

While Claire Brassard may be a very competent birth attendant (I have no way of
knowing either way), and there may be other 'traditional' birth attendants out
there, I cannot support such a protest until such time as we have recognition of
their knowledge and skills against the same criteria that formally prepared
midwives do.

In all States and Territories and in most countries around the world the word
'midwife' is a protected title. This means that only those people who meet their
country's criteria to be recognised as a midwife can be called a midwife and can
practise under law as a midwife. The QNC has no option but to take this action
because neither it nor any other regulatory authority in Australia has the power
to 'recognise' these women as midwives.

I reiterate, this is irregardless of their level of knowledge, skill and
experience, and many of you would argue that some of these women would run rings
around us formally educated midwives. That is as may be. But how does anyone
know for sure? With no standard against which they can be measured for minimum
requirements to competence?

I therefore suggest that it is self-defeating to ask for an individual to claim
the title 'midwife' and the right to practise as such when there is no statute,
and no caveat that will allow it. Rather it would be more to the point to try to
create the process that would recognise 'other' ways of entering the profession
besides formal studies. USA managed this process. It will be costly and
time-consuming and might fail. But it is imperative to protect the right of
women to have a standard of midwife, because if the standard can vary greatly
across formal programs when there are all sorts of processes in place to enforce
them, then the standard for those without formal training and education can vary
even more greatly..... But we will never know because they are never measured.
And anyone could lay claim to the title 'midwife'. And that is not a situation I
would like to see happen.

Women might want choices, but they want and deserve some assurance that the
choices they make are from safe alternatives. They must trust the profession to
regulate itself in their interests because not every woman has the resources to
investigate each birth attendant herself. This is actually working quite well,
and the processes put in place to begin national standardisation in the last
couple of years will assure that it works even better in the future. It is hoped
women will have a greater say in how these processes work and what standards
will be met from now on. And that might include recognition of 'lay' or
'traditional' birth attendants as midwives.

Just my thoughts, and with greatest respect to individuals referred to, who may
indeed be the safest attendant possible. Trish David.

Toni Cannard wrote:

> Dear Ozmidwifery People,
> Claire Brassard, a traditional midwife, (read not a registered nurse or
> midwife) is being banned from giving care to pregnant women by the
> Queensland Nursing Council (QNC).
> The e-mail that follows tells you how you can participate in a Brisbane
> Protest tomorrow to give the press, media and pollies the following message:
> "Women want choices.  Women who choose homebirth want the option of choosing
> a traditional midwife."
> Time to stand up and be counted - do we support women having free choice or
> do we only support women choosing from the the options we would like them to
> have?
> Working for true choice,
> Toni Cannard
> Vice President
> AIMS Australia Inc (Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services -
> A consumer action group)
> >From: "Bruce Teakle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Support homebirth on Thursday
> >Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:21:50 +1000
> >
> >
> >Bruce Teakle
> >Lindsay Rd
> >Mt Glorious 4520
> >Ph 07 3289 0231
> >
> >Dear supporters of homebirth,
> >
> >You should know by now that Claire is going to court on thursday,13 th of
> >december for the Supreme court to force her to cease caring for pregnant
> >women.
> >
> >There is a telephone process underway to get as many supporters to the
> >Brisbane Court by 9.15 am on thursday morning as possible. Please think
> >about who you know who might come to support our right to a "SAFE,
> >RESPONSIBLE, CARING" choice in birthing, and put out the word. It's just
> >fine if people hear more than once.
> >
> >The Theme
> >
> >There are several purposes to our gathering.
> >>1. To farewell Claire from our service, and grieve for the loss of her
> >>care.
> >>2. To celebrate the spirit of midwifery and its long tradition.
> >>3. To bear witness to the action of the state in denying us Claire's care.
> >>4. To express our dissatisfaction with the poor service of our political
> >>servants in regard to respecting women's right of choice in birthing.
> >Hopefully this will include some coverage by the media, and we are working
> >at getting that to happen.
> >
> >The Image
> >
> >We will look (and be) powerful, in a way which is most likely to make our
> > >political servants take notice.
> >
> >I propose that we behave somewhat like we are seeing off the queen (Claire
> >is not the queen, actually sometimes she's just very naughty.
> >However.....).  For some of us Claire is the person who has given us the
> >sort of loving care we are seeking in birth. For others, she may symbolise
> >the care we have had from another midwife or even what we think women
> >deserve. What we express in love and respect for Claire is symbolic of our
> >feelings about the >model of care we seek.
> >
> >So let us dress and perform as if we are farewelling the queen. Flowers,
> > >children, kisses, tears, families, our best clothes.
> >
> >Don't get me wrong, this isn't wet and weak, this is a demonstration of the
> >state interfering in the lives of ordinary loving families, for no reason,
> >and that does not look good.
> >
> >The Routine
> >
> >We turn up at 9.15. We can't afford to be late. Don't forget this is the
> >city at peak hour, and driving in, and finding parking is a slow, terrible
> >and expensive business. Consider taking the train from somewhere
> >convenient.  The court is equal distances from Central and Roma street
> >stations, both are very close.
> >
> >We arrive, assemble outside the court building, and prepare for Claire's
> >arrival soon after 9.30. When Claire arrives she walks the aisle we prepare
> >for her, kissing and farewelling. This is when our photo opportunities are,
> >when we all need to be there and prepared.
> >
> >She goes into court with her barrister and those of us who can go in
> >(without children) to witness the proceeding. The court proceedings
> >(everyone already inside and assembled) should start at 10.00 and take 10
> >minutes.
> >
> >Claire will then have finished her 22 years of renegade traditional
> >midwifery.
> >
> >What next? I don't know. I'll let my beard grow back, and we can get back
> >to normal (whatever that was) for a few weeks.
> >
> >We certainly have a big job to do in january, with the competition policy
> > >stuff and so on, and preparing to get back onto our representative's
> >agenda's after their holidays. This is a big task we have embarked on, and
> >we won't be letting go.
> >
> >See  you there on thursday.
> >
> >Best wishes from Bruce.
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