Title: Re: midwifery resolution
Dear Barb
Here in WA at least 2 health funds give hih level of rebates for homebirth but one of the problems is it is rarely  advertised that these companies rebate midwifery care!

Another is now there is a government funded scheme which gives women free midwifery care the women who would have considered or used their private insurance to pay for a midwife are either on or want to be on the scheme rather meet the gap regardless of their maternity and care benefits!
----- Original Message -----
To: ozmid
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: midwifery resolution

Jo wrote:  

Perhaps another avenue would be to also try and get the option of midwifery led care increased in the private sector?  Many women take out private insurance solely for the births of their children.  The options of care is singular -ob in the private sector.   Perhaps we could sell the benefits of mw led care lower interventions thus lower costs to them the insurance companies.  It has always baffled me that if I had car insurance but lived in a high risk area then my insurance would cost more; why is it that the health insurance companies do not investigate the massive difference between intervention rates (thus increased costs -longer stays etc) between public and private births?

Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8365 7059
birth with trust, faith & love...


Jan Robinson and another colleague from the Australian Society of Independent Midwives has made representations to MBF on just these kinds of grounds.  And MBF is apparently interested because they recognize it would save them money to have more women use independent midwives.  The only sticking point is the lack of PI insurance.  You can contact Jan for more info if interested.  

regards Barb

Dr Barbara Vernon
Maternity Coalition

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