Hello Janine
Hoping I can be of some help.  I had to have radioactive iodine to kill off any thyroid cells I had left due to removal of my thyroid gland from cancer.  This was done in 1998.  I also was concerned how the radioactive iodine would affect my fertility, but I was assured that this drug was very specific and would only kill thyroid cells.  I never actually had any problems with my thyroid function and it was only after my thyroid glands had both been removed that I had to take thyroxine (thyroid replacement hormone). 
 I had 2 children prior to thyroid cancer and then went on to have another child born in Jan 2001 - 21/2  years after radioactive iodine.  So my fertility didn't seem to be affected.  Prior to getting pregnant I was on quite a high dose of thyroxine (600mcg daily) and was lowering the dose (on doctors advice due to long term effects eg. calcium depletion) when I got pregnant.  I am now on 300mcg daily. The average of people are on about 100-150 mcg daily.  I was concerned how and if the high doses would affect my baby and wondered if it would transfer via my milk supply.  At the time I found it very difficult to find information and my GP said to wait and see when my baby was born.  Well I am happy to say he was born a healthy 3970 gms and is still being breastfed and continuing to thrive.
Hoping this may help 
Regards Wendy

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