Hi List,
I have to keep all names out of this but I really would appreciate some feed back regarding a frustrating situation.
As co-ordinator of CARES, I am getting very upset by the continuing trend of mixed messages.  Hospitals give CARES the official line on where they stand on vbac (usually "strongly support vbac"  hmmm...) and the information we have for women is up to date and relevant to South Australia and yet we have on a regular basis women being told the opposite to hospital officail stances and even down right rubbish! 
For eg.  one women wh has made an amazing transformation from being utterly terrified of vbac to an empowered inspiring amazing woman who knows she can do it.  She chose the hospital based on their vbac policy of support and positive views, she has made the informed choice to have intermitant monitoring with an independant mw as her birth support.  When going on a tour of the hospital she was shocked by the information she was given by the mw on duty.  She was told that the risks of rupture is too high to not have continuous monitoring.  The way the information was presented would have made anyone who was not informed and well read pacing off to book for a section right then and there.
Why is it that this sort of thing can happen?  What can a group like ours do to try and make this sort of scare mongering or (at the very least) misinforming women?  At the rate we are going, I would like to see vbac clinics where women get seen by those supportive of vbac and those who at least support the hospitals policy on vbac!  In a perfect world perhaps.
Dear listers, what can we do?  
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8365 7059
birth with trust, faith & love...

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