Kristy, if you want to be private, how about swapping to a fund like australian unity, IOR, NIB, NRMA who cover midwifery care? then you could have the fantastic midwifery care with some of the hospital care paid for. as for NRMA they have advertised recently they will cover all the costs of having a baby even the doctor and all the gap. at work (large private hospital) we would have about 2-3 women a day swapping over to them. they are part of care link too so free follow up/services too.i'm sure midwifery care would be cheaper for them than docs, and it would fall into their costs of having  a baby category. a lot of the women i look after complain they are thousands out of pocket even with top traditional health cover - something to consider.

The cure for anything is salt water - Sweat, tears, or the sea.



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